Hello September – Hello Routine!

With September comes routine, as school returns and so do all our family extra-curricular activities. Having a routine isn’t the hard part – the hard part is learning what our new routine will look like and keeping this schedule until it becomes a part of our daily life.

As you’re looking at your family’s schedule this Fall, see where the best time for your child to practice piano would be. Create a habit of piano practice, whether it be at a specific time (every day at 4:30pm) or based around an activity (every day before dinner or before breakfast), and you will find that practice will become part of your daily routine. Routine makes life easier for our children, and us!

So take a minute and discuss with your child when you both think the best time to schedule your piano practice would be and then keep each other accountable until it becomes a new family routine!

About MYCBailey

Musically inspired
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