Music Pups® for Ages Infant – Age 4

Music Pups PosterThis Fall we are keeping busy as we add another new class to our studio – Music Pups®.  This is a program created by The Music Class® for infants up through 4 years old.  Fun filled classes of singing, dancing, movement and instrumental play, all designed to stimulate musical learning!  In-tune singing, keeping a beat and imitating rhythm patterns are all skills that children develop while attending Music Pups® classes.

These 45 minute classes will be on Tuesdays at 9:30am and we will meet once a week in 10-week sessions.


Studies have shown that baby music classes can benefit our children through:
1. Social development and interaction
2. Motor skills
3. Sensory enhancement
4. Language development
5. Emotional regulation
6. Brain boost
7. Parent-child bonding.

For more information about these studies check out this Today’s Parent article. or read a newletter from the founder of The Music Class®, Rob Sayer – Music_Learning_Outcomes_By_Age.

We are looking forward to adding this class to the studio and can’t wait to share our love of music with even the littlest ones!  If you’re interested in joining the class or know of someone who may be let me know and we can get you more information so that you can start right away!  Oh, and did I mention that siblings attending Music Pup® classes together will receive a discount on the 2nd tuition and require only 1 set of materials?  And any sibling under 6 months at the start of a session will be FREE!

About MYCBailey

Musically inspired
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